
Heatherslaw Light Railway
Opening Times
Trains will run seven days a week from 28th March to the 3rd November 2024. CLOSED ON FRIDAY 19th and FRIDAY 26th APRIL, 2024
Heatherslaw Corn Mill
Opening Times
Heatherslaw Mill is closed for the 2023 season and will reopen on 25th March, 2024.
Lady Waterford Hall
Opening Times
Lady Waterford Hall is open daily up to and including Sunday Nov 3rd.
Hay Farm Heavy Horse Centre
Opening Times
Open from 26th March 2024, Tues-Sun (10:00-17:00). Closed on Mondays except bank holidays.
Flodden Battlefield
Opening Times
Free access throughout the year
Etal Castle
Opening Times
Etal Castle is now closed for the season, reopening Spring 2024
Ford Moss Nature Reserve and Colliery
Opening Times
Free access throughout the year.
Cheviot Brewery
Opening Times
For details of events and tour dates visit the website or contact direct for a private booking.

For further information please contact Ford & Etal Visitor Centre

Visit Ford & Etal Visitor Centre Page

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