News & Blog

25 Aug
The new Stickley Hamilton Collection, Lady Waterford Hall 2021

It may be difficult to imagine the circumstances under which Lady Louisa found herself moving to Ford in 1859; recently widowed and childless through fate rather than will, Louisa nonetheless lost no time in commissioning the construction of the school for the benefit of the children whose parents lived and worked on the estate. Her […]

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31 Mar
Forest Bathing beside the River Till at Etal 2021

Now more than ever it seems we are being asked to remember how vital nature and the natural world is to our physical and mental well-being. Being in such a beautiful part of the world means we don’t have to go far off the beaten track to find beauty, peace and tranquillity; I can think […]

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09 Jul
Ford & Etal Illustrated Map

To download a copy of this map click HERE

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18 Mar
Heritage pub change of direction

After mutual consideration, the partnership of Ford & Etal Estates and Cheviot Brewery of the management of The Black Bull, Etal will be coming to a close to allow for a change of direction. This move will enable both parties to concentrate on their core business and The Black Bull pub will shortly be let […]

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14 Feb
The art of thatching a roof 2024

All the roofs in Etal were once thatched and very picturesque they were too. The downside was the ever-present risk of the thatch catching alight – the open fires and stoves needed for heating and cooking perilously sent sparks up and out of the chimneys. For this reason tiled roofs began to replace thatch at […]

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06 Apr
BBC Appeal Reaps Heavyweight Reward 2023

A new pair of millstones has been fitted at Heatherslaw Corn Mill after a successful appeal on BBC News online and BBC Look North. The stones, which weigh over a ton each, were gifted by ADM Milling in West Yorkshire after John Murphy, who heard the BBC appeal, connected Heatherslaw Corn Mill with Richard Waring […]

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24 Nov
The FitzClarence Gates are back 2022

The FitzClarence gates at Letham Hill have been reinstalled at Etal Manor after a six month absence for essential restoration work. Ollie Green, of Kelsey Metal Work in Greenlaw, undertook the restoration work as the gates had suffered considerable wear and tear; they were first installed some two hundred years ago. The gates were commissioned […]

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