Join Pauline Beaumont, author of Bread Therapy – The Mindful Art of Baking Bread for a two-hour workshop to learn how to make a beautiful plaited loaf. The technique isn’t difficult but the end result is very impressive.
The workshop will take place in historic and beautiful Heatherslaw Mill where you will mix your dough with flour ground just a few metres away, in the traditional way, with mill stones and the power of the River Till.
There will be a chance to see round the mill and to have a chat about bread, nutrition and wellbeing while your loaf is proving.
All equipment recipe and ingredients provided, and you will leave with your dough beginning its second prove, ready for you to bake at home.
At Heatherslaw Corn Mill, Heatherslaw, Northumberland TD12 4TJ
Thursday 6th June, 2024
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
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