As well as observing the Countryside Code, as a canoeist there are certain rules that we ask you adhere to:
- Canoeists have a ‘right of passage’ and can enter and leave the river at the access/exit points at Redscar Bridge (NT 946 337), Ford Bridge (NT 939 374) and Etal weir (NT 926 395). These are the only safe access points on the section of the River Till which flows through Ford & Etal Estates. Canoeists should not set foot on the land at any point between the access/exit points unless in case of emergency.
- Common courtesy should be shown to fisherman, who can politely ask that you canoe on the opposite side of the river to where they are fishing. (There is no fishing on Sundays – therefore no interference with fishermen!)
- Protect plants and animals – please take your litter home.
- Be safe – make sure that you have the necessary equipment/wear suitable clothing and always wear a buoyancy aid.
- If you intend to paddle from Ford to Etal please check the level at the Heatherslaw rapid and if it is too high for you please do not paddle it; the weir is unsafe and therefore out of bounds.
- Please park your vehicle in such a way that it does not block or impede access for other vehicles.
If you would like to have some expert tuition and/or guidance about the area from the river why not contact Active4Seasons?
Should you have any queries or would like to talk to us please email us on or telephone 01890 820338.